28 fevereiro 2013

Congratulations my Prince ♥

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Today is your birthday, my baby today doing nineteen years old, as time passed fast, huh?!
You is very important for me, you is one of my reasons to living! Became important for me as fast, and today no living without your notices!
Boy, I love you, you is my Idol, my inspiration, my Kidrauhl, my swag, my big crazy, my boy the eyes perfect, my eternal baby, I love so much...
Congratulations by the your birthday, that God enlighten you forever, and I'll know that still go cognize you, I have faith that yes, that this day will arrive, but, while no arrives, I am satisfied in see your pictures and know that are you ok!
I saw you grow, and still I'll see you of hairs white, you bet!
I love you, much, remains this boy handsome, talented and humble you forever, please! We Belibers love you, come on love you forever! 

Congratulations my prince of pop

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